Hi, it's me again C�cero. Well, I am not a poet, but I really love writing poems, and I know that I am not the right person to say we need peace, we need love, we need respect... we need to see the others like our brothers. So, I wrote these simple words and I want to share with you canadians. I have a great admirations and respect for the Canadian people because I also know that they have helped my contry a lot, especially Fundanor - the place where I live in.
We must think in a new world
Without arrogance
A world with people and for people
Where everyone can live together.
We must think in a happy world
With peace and love
A world without war
And suffering.
We must think in a brother world
With respect and affection
A world without oppression
Where everyone has a safe place to live.
We must think in a better world
Without persecution and abandonment
If you are alone
Do not give up.
must change this world
And tell our own history
Before the planet is gone
And we will be in a past without glory
Cicero Pinto
Sometimes I get lost
In memories
In thoughts
In words
In time.
Sometimes I think that
I don't have much time to
To have fun
To live.
Sometimes I don't understand
The people around me
My family
My friends
Sometimes I think the
World is wonderful
Good people
Nice places to see
Different nations
Different names
And one certainly thing
To be happy some day.
Sometimes I think that
I am a hero
I think I can change the world
The people, the places
I feel I can change everything
But I do not know
If they can be happy with
My changes.
Sometimes I want to live
More and more
To fly, to dance, to be alone
To make a trip inside myself.
Sometimes I need a hand to stand up
I need peace, joy, hope, to love
And be loved.
Sometimes the world seems so hard
But I know
It's never too late to discover something
It's never too late to learn new things
To see, to help, to make you believe that
You are very important to me
Sometimes I know what to say and what to do
All that I feel want you to know
I love you.
C�cero Pinto